Why should I hire a Doula?

A Doula is a birth companion who provides support to mom as well as her partner, that is unconditional. She actively listens and will hold space without  judgement, while empowering you to make the right decisions for You and your baby. Amongst her various talents is a natural ability to create a bond of trust, comfort, knowledge, and understanding. She has the ability to make your most challenging moments more manageable with her uplifting presence. She brings knowledge and experience recognizing what dialogue, comfort measures, and techniques will most benefit you throughout your pregnancy and birth. A Doula lends herself to your elevated experience by offering her heart, time, and energy.

A Doula ensures you are up-to-date with protocol and standards of care within the birth setting, while helping you to evaluate your options under a variety of conditions specific to you. The expanded awareness she offers, allowing you to feel safe, cultivate the necessary mindset, and gain confidence to advocate for yourself in an unfamiliar space. Her contribution to your birth experience is sacred, irreplaceable, and essential.  

Doulas are statistically proven to improve outcomes:

  • 31% decrease in use of Pitocin

  • 28% decrease in the risk of C-section

  • 12% increase in the likelihood of a spontaneous vaginal birth

  • 9% decrease in the use of any medications for pain relief

  • 14% decrease in the risk of newborns being admitted to a special care nursery

  • 34% decrease in the risk of being dissatisfied with the birth experience

Does having a Doula affect my Partner’s Role?

Studies show that partners participate more actively during labor when a Doula is present. Doulas know birth, while your partner knows you. Together we make the most well-equipped team to support you and help you navigate your journey in birth. Doulas are as significant in helping partners as they are for mom. Oftentimes partners seek clear direction in how to best show up and support mom during pregnancy and/or labor. Other times partners simply need encouragement and reassurance in the moment. Understandably(!), this isn’t something they do all the time. Even if it isn’t your first child, every birth is it’s own unique experience. The right Doula will offer your partner a continuous soundboard as questions or concerns arise. She makes herself available for the unique support your dyad necessitates.

Will a Doula labor with me at home or meet me at the hospital?

Your Doula may engage with you by telephone during early labor until she joins you in your home or at the hospital. She will make herself available in whatever arrangement you’re agreed upon. For scheduled hospital procedures, like an induction or a scheduled C-section, your doula will meet you at the hospital by the agreed upon time whether night or day.

Can I benefit from a Doula if I’m considering pain medication?

Absolutely! There are various times throughout the entirety of your pregnancy / labor / birth and immediate postpartum that all of the reasons listed above come into play for having a Doula as support. Additionally, being aware of how to continue to feel emotionally secure and be proactive once receiving the epidural, to help to keep labor progressing, and support in initiating breastfeeding following delivery, are all ways that a Doula can aid in a medicated birth.

A Doula can offer additional insights and information about the various pain medication available, facilitate communication with your partner and care provider, assist in translating medical terms and language / ideas that may not be familiar to you, continue to support and champion your decisions as being right for your family (respecting and appreciating that birth preferences may change), being an extra set of hands / eyes / ears aware of how to help navigate well moving forward; whether the epidural was originally a part of the plan or not.

Supporting you is the priority. Knowing what you want for your birth is the first step to being empowering in your choices. While an epidural will relieve intense sensations, it will not calm your mind. With the help of a Doula, you are meant to feel educated, prepared and confident before labor begins. During labor, the goal is to help you find your rhythm and use comfort measures in early labor so that when you do decide to go to the hospital for pain medication, you will have progressed far enough along and not be sent home. If you choose to use pain medication, the Doula for you will still stay actively engaged and continue to provide emotional and informational support. Modern epidurals are gradual and you can control how much medication you receive. You may still feel sensations and you will still need physical support for comfort and to help with optimal positioning.  

If I have a C-section, can I still benefit from a Doula?

Advocacy is extremely important whether it’s a c-section or vaginal delivery. Doulas sometimes are allowed in the operating room for support. When things are moving quickly she can help you to gain perspective of the situation and help to slow things down and take the “emergency” out of a non-emergency situation. Doulas are there to help remind the partners, doctors and nurses of your birth wishes and help to keep you calm and relaxed.

Your Doula will also be a part of your recovery process to facilitate an uninterrupted “Golden Hour” and the initiation of breastfeeding and bonding.